Cleaning and Disinfecting Healthcare Mobile Devices - Stratix

Cleaning and Disinfecting Healthcare Mobile Devices


Separating Myth from Reality: How You Mobile Devices Affect the 21st Century Healthcare Environment

Not all that long ago, hospitals relied on pen and paper for measuring, monitoring and reporting information. Today, handheld computers and mobile devices have taken their rightful place in hospitals around the world. Along with the many important benefits these devices provide, however, come new concerns about infection control and the need to keep the devices cleaned and disinfected. On any given day in the U.S., approximately one in 25 hospital patients will have at least one healthcare-associated infection (HAI), according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

By following standardized, evidence-based infection control practices, hospitals can significantly reduce the incidence of HAIs. Among best practices are the cleaning and disinfection of mobile healthcare equipment (e.g., wheelchairs) that comes into frequent contact with staff, patients, and visitors. That frequent contact compounds the risk of the spread of pathogens from individuals to the equipment, and vice versa.

This paper, Darrel Hicks, a nationally recognized expert in infection control, addresses six of the top myths about the potential risks that mobile devices present in healthcare environments. Facts are presented to help hospital decision makers implement new policies and processes for cleaning and disinfecting mobile devices used by healthcare workers throughout their facilities.

COVID-19 Mobile Resources

Together with our partners in mobile, we bring you resources including documents on device cleaning, working remote, loan & stimulus programs and more to navigate through COVID-19.

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