Enterprise wearable technology has really become this new frontier that is the next place where we could really get personal with the technology and make it more efficient as at the same time easier for the end user to use.
So, for instance, wearable glasses could help provide off-screen instructions for complex tasks such as assemblies of complex machinery or even things like surgery.
Things like smart watches or heart rate monitors could help protect the end users in the environments that they may be working in whether it’s manufacturing in the field, truck drivers. These things could make a big difference to the end user’s personal safety.
Stratix is always partnering with our OEM partners as well as our customers to make sure we understand the next new use case that we could help our customers take advantage of.
We’ve worked with our OEM partners to test out some of the new technologies that they’ve had and given them feedback from our customers about how it could be better for their business use case.