Large Health System Based in NE Ohio | Stratix

Large Health System Based in NE Ohio

Case Study

Managing large-scale device deployment when life depends on it


Due to the size and velocity of operations at this large health system, the organization ruled out BYOD due to the fact that the variability of devices would make it extremely difficult to manage compliance and security needs. As they decided to standardize all their clinicians on a single mobile platform, the healthcare leader faced the challenge of deploying 7,000 devices in the three-month window the carrier granted them to upgrade.


Stratix provided the scale needed to deliver on the hospital’s challenge with a dedicated device deployment support team of 26 experienced individuals. This device deployment team successfully managed the full-scale deployment which covered over 24 different locations. The Stratix technicians were responsible for backing up current devices, restoring data on the new phones enrolling each device in the EMM platform, ensuring all carriers were working – and all with ZERO physician downtime! Another unique challenge about this mobile deployment is that these were the first ever carrier-supported DEP devices in the U.S.


Stratix provides ongoing device deployment support for the clinicians, including device and latest technology upgrades which has significantly improved end-user satisfaction. On many occasions, Stratix has gone above and beyond the call of duty to support the hospital’s mobile users. In one instance, a Stratix agent even provided a wakeup call for a physician when his device needed replacement over night.