UEM Enhances Drug Safety and Expands ROI Opportunities - Stratix

UEM Enhances Drug Safety and Expands ROI Opportunities


The demand for lifesaving and life-enhancing drugs continues to increase as the vast majority of our population approaches their golden years. This has put unprecedented pressure on the pharmaceutical industry to accelerate its discovery and manufacturing efforts drastically. It has also increased the competition among drug companies to get their products to market first. Unified endpoint management (UEM) and mobile device management (MDM) solutions play a vital role in enabling companies to adapt quickly to patient demand and get ahead of their competitors.

Drives Operational Efficiency

Throughout the drug development and manufacturing process, UEM streamlines operational efficiencies in the global deployment and management of mobile devices. From supporting the tablets used by clinical trial patients to streamlining plant workflows, mobile device management enables pharmaceutical companies to develop a more agile supply chain that can keep up with patient demand.

With more than 300,000 registered trials conducted annually, UEM simplifies the once-impossible task of deploying, managing, monitoring, and securing so many devices with a one-platform solution. IT teams can remotely lock-down mobile devices to allow only approved apps, wipe stolen or lost devices, and easily locate devices anywhere in the world.

Most pharmaceutical companies have replaced their paper processes with electronic documents. Supported by UEM, this shift has increased data accuracy, provided easy access for audits, and increased visibility into manufacturing functionality. Plant managers can now quickly review manufacturing output, inventory control, and employee productivity to boost efficiency and focus on areas that need the most attention. 

Supports Drug Safety

The number one concern for all pharmaceutical companies is drug safety and viability. Mobile devices provide trial patients with a convenient means to share real-time feedback regarding dosage, reactions, and other comments for a more accurate representation of their responses to medications. Using standardized forms, researchers can ensure the information provided by patients is aligned with what they are looking to collect, regarding a drug’s safety and value.

UEM enables companies to clearly see where every element of a drug came from, the entire production process, and each step of its distribution to pharmacies and patients. This lets companies prove the quality and safety of the drugs they manufacture. Traceability also simplifies the FDA-audit process so auditors can do their jobs more efficiently and accurately with less downtime for the plant.

Delivers Sustainable ROI

Unified endpoint management solutions help companies get more out of their mobility investment, enabling them to invest more time, energy, and money into curing diseases. Mobile device management lets researchers collect, aggregate, and analyze trial findings quickly to discern the viability of new drugs. Data transparency and accountability of the findings make it easier for the FDA to approve new medications. Therefore, companies can increase profits by getting to market first. Any errors in the research or denial of approval could mean a loss of millions of dollars and years of work.

Effective mobile device management helps an already lean IT team drive enterprise adoption and reduce shelf-ware, enabling employees to generate more output with less effort, cutting overhead costs.

Stratix is the Difference

As trusted advisors, Stratix takes a holistic approach, helping you select, manage, deploy, and support your UEM solution. We have a deep history of expertise and longtime partnerships with all Gartner-recommended UEM platforms, positioning us to offer solutions that fit your business best.